
Yahoo! Widgets 4.0 Build 168

不要怕,这可不是大名鼎鼎的雅虎助手.Yahoo Widget Engine原名是Konfabulator,一个迷你型的应用程序引擎,它能够直接在用户桌面上操作并完成多种任务.
比如检查是否有Wi-fi连接以及信号强度、在地址簿里查询联系人、更新用户的日历、检查新邮件等等.该程序引擎可以方便地协助用户查找本机和互联网上的内容,突出的优点是用户不必启动具体的应用程序或者专门打开一个浏览器. Yahoo! Widget Engine 3.0引擎集成了9个新的、常用的桌面应用程序,主要的应用程序包括:雅虎地图程序、照片显示程序、雅虎搜索程序、雅虎邮件程序、雅虎记事本程序等等.

Changes in Version 4.0


* Implemented image sharing to attempt to reduce memory consumption for some Widgets.
* When a Window is hidden, we now release all the drawing buffers. Not a huge savings in most cases, but hey.
* XPath is now substantially faster on large XML DOMs.
* We now load Win HTTP on-demand.
* Rewrote COM support to be faster and fixed some issues with event sinks.


* Implemented Resize Animation.
* It is now possible to reuse an animation. Previously, once an animation was complete, it was useless.
* Changed animations to always call any 'done' function you pass in even if the animation is run with runUntilDone (i.e. synchronously). This only takes effect if your minimumVersion is 4.0 or later.


* Added filesystem.zip() and filesystem.unzip() as simple utilities to do basic zip/unzip actions.
* Filesystem.move() now will rename a file (i.e. it should now behave exactly like the unix mv command).
* Added filesystem.getMD5() to return the MD5 string for a given file.
* Added optional third parameter to filesystem.writeFile. You can now pass a boolean to tell us whether or not to append to the file instead of merely overwriting the entire file. appendFile( path, content [, append] );
* Added filesystem.createDirectory() and filesystem.remove(). view full changelog

Operating Systems Supported

* Windows XP SP2, 2000 SP4
* Windows Vista
* Mac OS X 10.3.9 and up

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